Author: Morkven

May 29, 2023

Photography Paradise: Exploring Destinations for Camera Enthusiasts

Many travelers no longer settle for a few cursory holiday snaps by the sea or familiar landmarks. Instead, they seek out truly extraordinary landscapes to capture on camera. Known as the world’s largest salt flat, Salar de Uyuni in South-West Bolivia is a photographer’s paradise. Its surreal landscape of peaks and chimneys extending as far as the eye can see is mesmerizing. Before You Begin […]

May 28, 2023

The Birth of Photography: The Pioneer Behind the First Camera

The art of photography has come a long way since its invention nearly two centuries ago. The birth of photography can be traced back to the year 1839 when a French inventor named Louis Daguerre developed the first camera. This pioneering invention marked the beginning of a new era where people could now capture the essence of a moment and freeze it in time. Daguerre’s […]

May 27, 2023

Shoot Like a Pro: Essential Gear for Beginner Photographers

Photography is a fascinating art of capturing images that not just look great but also convey emotions and tell stories. If you’re a beginner photographer, you’ll need to understand a few things to shoot like a pro. While it’s easy to get started with photography, knowing the right gear and tools is crucial to capturing stunning photos. In this article, we’ll discuss the essential gear […]

May 26, 2023

Sweet Surrealism: Using Gummies to Create Whimsical and Dreamy Photography

Gummy candies – also known as gummies, gumdrops, jellies or jelly babies – are a childhood favorite for many. With their bright and colorful shapes, flavors and textures, these fun treats are more than just a snack; they can also be used to create whimsical and dreamy photographs. By using different colored gummies, photography enthusiasts can create surreal scenes that look like something out of […]

May 26, 2023

Filters And Feelings: How Instagram’s Effects Influence Mood And Perception

Instagram has become an essential part of many people’s lives, providing a platform to share experiences, connect with friends and family, and even make money.  But how is this app influencing our moods and perceptions?  We will explore the effects that filters and feelings have on users of Instagram.  We will examine the ways in which color-correcting apps can affect people’s self-esteem, as well as […]

May 26, 2023

The Art Of Engaging Photography: Techniques To Captivate Your Social Media Audience

Have you ever seen a photo on social media that made your heart skip a beat? That’s the power of engaging photography.  When done right, it can captivate an audience and draw them in to learn more about what’s being shared.  But how do you create images that have such a powerful impact? It all comes down to understanding the art of engaging photography.  By […]

May 22, 2023

From Passion to Profit: Turning Your Photography Hobby into a Business

If you love taking photos, it might be time to consider making this passion into a full-time business. This is an admirable goal that can be achieved with a little motivation and the right know-how. Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash If you are serious about turning your photography hobby into a profitable business, here are some steps to get you started: Starting a Photography […]

May 21, 2023

Brunching In Style: Discovering Insta-Worthy Breakfast Spots

If you are looking for a unique and Instagram-worthy breakfast spot then look no further!  Brunching in style is all about discovering the most delicious and aesthetically pleasing places to grab your morning meal.  From cozy cafes with delectable pastries to bustling bistros that offer mouthwatering omelets, this guide will take you on an unforgettable journey of culinary exploration.  With photos of each location, helpful […]

May 13, 2023

Photography FAQs: Your Guide to Understanding the Basics

Photography is one of the most fascinating and enjoyable hobbies in our world today. If you are interested in photography or already have started taking your first shots, you will often find questions that you want to help with answering. Here is a list of some frequent photography FAQs that will help you understand the basics behind capturing excellent pictures. What Is Aperture? Aperture refers […]